How the Internet Changed Marketing

Ever since early man began swapping pretty shells for stone tools or chunks of meat, people have been marketing. As technologies advanced through the millennia, humankind’s basic need to exchange goods became an increasingly complicated challenge. Arguably, no technology has changed the way we market as much as the Internet. AN INFORMATION REVOLUTION What began …

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5 Things to Consider When Planning Your Social Media Marketing Strategy

Of the world’s Internet users, 82 percent participate in social media, according to comScore. What’s more, one in every five minutes of time spent online is on a social networking site. With stats like these, there’s no denying that social media is an integral part of our communication culture. While it only makes sense for …

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Is Email Marketing Dead?

Upon hearing that his obituary had been published in the New York Herald, Mark Twain famously stated, “The report of my death was an exaggeration.” One hundred and fifteen years later, we’re setting the record straight about the reported demise of email marketing. Not only is email marketing not dead, it’s thriving. According to a …

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Words to Avoid in Your Email Marketing Campaigns

Your design is amazing. The content is well-written and engaging. You’re sending your campaign to a carefully vetted, permission-based list. Yet, somehow your email marketing campaigns keep winding up in your recipients’ spam folders. Why? It might be that you are using words in your subject line that spam filters are programmed to look for …

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5 Reasons Why a Mobile-Friendly Website is Essential to Your Marketing Strategy

It doesn’t really matter where you go—work, the supermarket, your favorite café, the beach, the dog park. Chances are you will see someone on a smart phone, tablet, or other mobile device. Like it or not, mobile devices have changed the way we live, work, and play. Despite this, it is common to come across …

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