digital marketing, traditional marketing

Traditional vs. Digital Marketing: Why You Need Both

Does your website reflect your company culture and brand, or is it just a website? If not, it’s costing you ROI. In today’s fast-paced business environment, having a comprehensive marketing strategy that integrates both traditional and digital marketing techniques is crucial. At Profile by Design, we understand the importance of leveraging a diverse array of …

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The Impact of Photography on Marketing Collateral and Websites

In the dynamic landscape of marketing, where every brand vies for consumer attention, the importance of images in marketing cannot be overstated. While words convey information, it is visual elements that captivate and engage audiences most effectively. Photography, in particular, emerges as a cornerstone of successful marketing strategies, wielding immense power in shaping brand perception …

Read more The Impact of Photography on Marketing Collateral and Websites

Infrastructure Construction

How To Get Government Contracts For Construction Companies

There are many construction companies that don’t understand how to get government contracts for infrastructure projects. In 2020 alone, government spending on roads, schools, and other public infrastructure exceeded $146 billion. Furthermore, the government sets aside about 25% of these contracts for small businesses. So you don’t have to be a large company to land …

Read more How To Get Government Contracts For Construction Companies

construction industrial labor shortage

Construction & Industrial Labor Shortage: Recruiting Strategies

Construction & ​​Industrial laborers are in high demand, and competition is fierce. The construction industry has seen a shortage of skilled labor for years. Whether you’re looking to hire one or many workers, it’s important to know your options when recruiting construction & ​​Industrial labor. You will need to start with defining what type of …

Read more Construction & Industrial Labor Shortage: Recruiting Strategies

The Importance of Content Marketing: 6 Reasons It’s Essential for Brands

Today content marketing is a vital part of any digital marketing campaign. Behind every successful brand, there’s content that really connects with the company’s audience. But why is content marketing important? In this post we will review 10 reasons content marketing is essential for brands (and how you can use it). Why Is Content Marketing …

Read more The Importance of Content Marketing: 6 Reasons It’s Essential for Brands

construction website design

Industry Trends for 2021: Construction Website Design

This article will cover everything you need to know about construction website design from modern construction website design through search engine optimization (SEO). Designing a website for your construction business is a top priority in reaching your market. The construction industry is one of the most competitive industries in the world, and construction firms are …

Read more Industry Trends for 2021: Construction Website Design